Shampoo 1200ml — Containing natural extracts of Helichrysum and Beta-Peptide Complex (NMN), this shampoo strengthens the hair and revitalizes the scalp. , reducing sensitivity and discomfort.
- Deeply purifies and cleanses hair and strands
- Promotes cell regeneration - Promotes healthy scalp life
- Soothes and calms the scalp to relieve tension and discomfort
洗髮精華200ml — 包含永久花的天然精華和β-胜肽複合物(NMN), 此洗髮露能強化頭髮並活化頭皮。 洗髮露融合NMN及永久花精華,有助促進更健康、抗衰老的頭皮環境,並從內而外強化髮絲。定期使用可以深層清潔頭皮和髮絲,有效去除污垢、多餘油脂、雜質和汙染物。同時,金盏花的效果可以立即舒緩和鎮靜頭皮,減輕癢感和不適。
-促進細胞再生 -促進頭髮健康生長
EA-013 NMN&Helichrysum Hair Boosting & Reborn Shampoo 及永久花修激活再生洗髮精華
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